Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Designs

Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Design Picture 1
Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Design Picture 1

Tattoo Center. Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Designs. The samurai tattoo has been a popular choice for years in Japan, as well as surrounding areas. But with their rise in popularity through the western cultures, samurai tattoos can now be found all over the world. In this day and age, samurai tattoos can be worn by men and women, however, the samurai tattoo symbols masculinity. Plus, women usually choose the Geisha tattoo rather then a sumurai tattoo. Samurai tattoos can be designed in a variety of different ways and they can hold a high symbolic value for those who wear such a tattoo.

Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Design Picture 2
Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Design Picture 2

The samurai have a rich history of traditions and values of the highest degree. Even at this day and age, Samurai continue to be among the most decorated warriors of all time. The word "samurai" is deprived from the word "saburau", which means "to serve." Another representation of this word is "to wait upon a person with upper ranks in society." Samurai were expected to live a certain way of life that represented honor, nobility, and service. The 13th century saw a rise of Zen Buddhism and the samurai based their standards and conduct on this practice. Zen Buddhism was a major influence to the samurai and their culture. Zen meditation became very important to the samurai. It was used to calm a samurai's mind.

Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Design Picture 3
Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Design Picture 3

With this practice, samurai became disciplined in the art of war. Buddhism also led the samurai to displace needless killings as it showed them how to be reborn. More then anything, Samurai were known for their capabilities of fighting, such as their martial arts skills. With the influence of Buddhism, samurai were trained to be very displined in their approach. With the new practice and their abilities, they became the ultimate warrior of their time. The samurai followed the practice of "Bushido", which represented "the way of the warrior." With this, the samurai built their principles on courage, respect, honor, and self-discipline.

Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Design Picture 4
Free Japanese Samurai Tattoo Design Picture 4

The samurai valued these principles in both life and death. Zen Buddhism also taught the samurai to overcome the fear of killing and the fear of death. Because of this, samurai were expected to live a certain way of life. They were expected to live everyday like it was their last. The samurai were expected to keep their life in order and everything else in between. Samurai were also expected to marry and have children. This was to make sure that their social class would live on. After years and years of constant war, this would also help with populating the social class. If a samurai would marry, she would also become a samurai, as well as their children.
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