Bird Tattoo Designs
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Three Tattoos from Sabrina

I met Sabrina on Penn Plaza back in June after stopping to admire her tattoos. She has three and talked me through them chronologically.

She explained , "I like to get [a tattoo] for every place I lived," and her first one was this butterfly armband:

Sabrina is from upstate New York. She went to one of the shops in Utica and spoke to the owner about getting an armband. He dismissed her initial request, saying "I don't do armbands anymore, they're too 1990". So, Sabrina explained, "he designed a different sort of armband and went with that ... ".

She added, "I like butterflies because I like things that fly ... I feel like I'm a free spirit." One of the butterflies is based on a necklace that she wore every day.

Her second piece is on her right forearm and is what she referred to as her "college tattoo":

Sabrina told me, "I just wanted another tattoo and I like Egyptian hieroglyphs." This is one of the symbols that really appealed to her, and she had this inked at a shop in White Plains, New York, near where she went to college.

Her third tattoo, also inspired by hieroglyphs, is the one she got after coming to New York City:

This owl tattoo is more realistic, although she wanted it positioned like a hieroglyph. It is a great horned owl and was tattooed by Bang Bang at East Side Ink.

Thanks to Sabrina for sharing her tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
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See Emily's Foot Tattoo

I met Emily in Penn Station and asked her about this, one of her three tattoos:

The phrase "Be not afraid, only believe" is from the Bible, more specifically, the Book of Mark, Chapter 5, Verse 36, King James version.

What does this mean to Emily? "No matter what," she said, "always remember what's mean to be will happen...".

A nice sentiment indeed. This tattoo was done by "Petey" at Immortal Ink in Clinton, New Jersey.

Thanks to Emily for sharing her tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

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Special Event at Yonge-Dundas Square

Oh, I am so excited. There is a special event that will take place in #Toronto from January 29 to 31, 2013. What can it be? I don't know because they haven't update their website and google search has tragically let me down. I do know that it involves a geodome with 'OFFICE' in large letters written on the dome.
Richard Pietro let me know that MicroSoft Office 2013 is launching January 29th. Thanks Richard.

And speaking of special events I see that on Saturday, February 2, 2013 a torontoBIEBERbuyout is scheduled for 2 pm. Meeting at Y-D Square the group will proceed to the HMV Superstore and attempt to buy all the Bieber merchandise that they can get their hands on. The CDs will then be donated to Sick Kids Hospital. This is a special celebration of the Bieb's new 'Believe Acoustic' album which drops tomorrow.
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Motorcycle Ice Racing

Knobby tires full of studs grip the ice as motorcycles rip up the white stuff on the frozen surface of Rice Lake. The Oshawa Competition Motorcycle Club (OCMC) had a George Jones Race Number 1 on Saturday, January 27, 2013 and the sudden warming caused a pressure ridge crack that filled about a third of the course with freezing cold water. The series runs from January to March.

Held in Bewdley, Ontario the ice racing course has two tracks; one for youth and one for adults, with the adult track being considerably more challenging and a lot more corners. The tires have an inner tire to provide depth for the double flat, slotted head screws which are used as ice studs. The orientation of the screws provide outside angle studs for corners and the middle studs are used for braking.

Posted by Joe Hamilton. See more of ice racing after the jump.

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Reporter Cynthia Mulligan at the Gardens

CityNEWS #Toronto reporter @CityCynthia reports from Carlton Street in front of Maple Leaf Gardens as thousands of demonstrators marched to Maple Leaf Gardens on Saturday, January 26, 2013. The Liberal leadership convention taking place inside becomes the focal point of teacher's anger over Bill 115 which set aside union negotiations and replaced them with imposed contracts. You can see more of the protest on my blog post here.
While delegates inside pick a new party leader and Provincial Premier, the unions and their supporters flood the area and the police closed down several streets within the downtown core.
Check out the various places we have seen the media personality work her broadcast magic as she keeps the city informed: and
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Protest at #Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens

Ha, it wasn't a protest about the long NHL lockout, it was a protest against the Ontario Liberal Party and their Bill 115 as the delegate met to elect a new provincial leader at the Liberal leadership convention held inside the old home of the NHL Maple Leafs. Police brought their horses, protesters brought their flags and signs (and an elephant) while the media flew in some choppers for a birds eye view. Teachers schooled the politicians and asked them to write lines on the chalkboard after class - detention was served.

See CityNews reporter Cynthia Mulligan as she covers the event on my blog post here.
 A paper mache Premier Dalton McGuinty caricature is hoisted high in the air

The 1:00 pm mass rally was organized by the Ontario Federation of Labour as part of a campaign to defend democratic and economic rights of workers and citizens. Long lines of buses,some of them even school buses, filled both sides of many nearby streets as many were bused in to participate in the event. The Saturday January 26, 2013 gathering outside the Liberal leadership convention quickly lost steam when the bell rang 3 pm.
Police horses were stationed on Yonge Street and Church Streets
An elephant marches away from the Gardens
A small group of Anarchists joined the protest: "Austerity is class war, eat the rich, feed the poor". Sounds plausible for a soylent green society of the future.
Police and temporary fences separated the demonstration from the delegates
The "My work here is done" poster showing Dwight with a forest of wind turbines in the devastated wasteland that I presume is a representation of Ontario.

See more signs after the jump.

The march turns from Yonge Street onto Carlton Street
A line of yellow jacketed bicycle police keep the demonstration contained to certain streets

CUPE's purple elephant suggests that members will "fight for rights and won't forget".
"Good Jobs, Not Cuts"

Mounted police on Yonge Street
Liberals must have been comforted with all the red hats, scarves and signs

A line of mounted police look south on Church Street towards the demonstration
Zelda Nista No BSL
James in front of the cute ponies (photo by Fresh Joe)

Super CUPE gets interviewed
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